Planned Giving

What you do makes a difference, and it's up to each of us to decide what kind of difference we're going to make. - Dr. Jane Goodall
By including the Jane Goodall Institute in your will or giving trust, you will continue to support our sustainable development, biodiversity protection and education projects in the months, years, and decades to come. You will continue to have a real, lasting impact on tomorrow’s world and those who share it.
Continue To Make A Difference
Whoever you are, whatever your situation, you can help make a difference and help create a better world by including a gift to JGINZ in your will.
It's easy to leave a gift in your will, and a gift can be as big or as little as you wish, it just needs to be meaningful to you.
Bequests made through wills and living trusts are easy to arrange. You may choose to leave JGINZ a specific dollar amount, a contingent request in case you outlive other heirs, or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after inheritances for friends and/or family are paid.
For more information on how you can include the Jane Goodall Institute in your will get in touch with our team.