Trees For Tomorrow - Africa

"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is now. "
Proverb from Uganda
Large tracts of forest fall each year. The results affect us all: climate change, species extinction, polluted groundwater. In Africa is also results in putting the habitat of chimpanzees at risk.
The Jane Goodall Institute's afforestation projects are as diverse as the problem they tackle: Planting trees is only one (important) part of it. We integrate local people, explain what an intact forest can do for their local ecosystem, take common protective measures and launch initiatives to build nurseries, reforestation and restoration.

Green Lung
101,700 tree seedlings have been planted on eroded riverbank strips in 66 villages in western Uganda! The project "Green Lung" was made possible by the support of the Ministry of Life. Knowledge is effective when shared: we have informed people from 600 households about sustainable agriculture and the connection with climate change. The interest of the people in the surrounding communities has been great. For a sustainable change we have asked for a continuation of the project. With "Green Lung II" JGI will continue the environmental education programme and grow another 100,000 seedlings!

Village Land Use Planning
JGI I has been working with local communities, science and technology partners to curb habitat destruction and create sustainable land-use plans. One example of the efficacy of these partnerships is the work being done in the village of Kigalye.
Together, their community leaders have created a sustainable land-use plan with JGI’s support, for Kigalye including the creation of forest reserves which has been met with great success. The plan guides management of logging, farming and fires, which will allow the surrounding woodlands to regenerate.

Mother Earth
Water is a survival basic for humans and animals. In order to improve drinking water quality and groundwater levels, JGI has successfully implemented the afforestation project "Forest Corridors - Sources of Life". Through this project people have benefited in seven communities in the regions of Buseruka and Kiziranfumbi from their acquired knowledge of tree cultivation, sustainable timber management and improved drinking water quality. This in turn has a positive impact on the habitat of chimpanzees and many other wildlife.

Fuel Efficient Stoves
One cause of deforestation in the areas surrounding communities in Tanzania is the chopping down of trees to be used for fuel. Families in these communities need wood for the ovens they use to cook their food.
To address this issue, the Jane Goodall Institute has implemented a fuel-efficient stoves project in Western Tanzania. As part of this project, JGI works with communities and teaches people how to build and cook with new stoves that only use half of the wood used by traditional stoves. To date, JGI has supported the installation of more than 15,000 fuel efficient stoves.
By reducing the amount of wood needed to cook, JGI is not only helping ease pressure on the forest but also easing pressure on women in these communities. By lessening fuel costs and cutting cooking time drastically with these improved stoves, women are freed to pursue other economic activities.

Roots & Shoots
Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, our youth-led community action programme, empowers young people to make a difference for animals, the environment, and each other.
In communities throughout Africa Roots & Shoots members are planting trees and making a difference in reforestation and restoration projects.
Support JGIs Tree Planting Projects in Africa
You can help make a difference to animals, people and our planet by chipping in and supporting our tree planting projects in Africa.