Sustainable Livelihoods

We work with communities living in or near chimpanzee habitat to launch alternative, sustainable livelihood projects that improve their incomes and their capacity to take care of natural resources.
Focusing on the Unique Needs of a Place and its People
Working hand in hand with communities at the grassroots level, the Jane Goodall Institute puts people at the center of our approach. As we seek to improve the health of the forests, we are mindful of all stakeholders as we strive to provide solutions to the threats facing great apes and their habitat.

Equipping People With the Tools to Be Change Agents
JGI addresses local needs with practical strategies that improve the lives of people, animals and the environment by introducing sustainable livelihood options to communities located near chimpanzee habitats. Sustainable livelihoods like community-managed microcredit programs, beekeeping, and woodlot cultivation help community members increase their income and rely less on the forest, reducing deforestation and human/chimpanzee interaction.
Improving livelihoods while protecting the environment ensures that communities can continue to thrive for decades to come, which is essential to our community-centered conservation approach.