Roots & Shoots in Schools

Roots & Shoots Working for Your School
Levels of School Involvement

Schools can choose to be involved with Roots & Shoots in a variety of ways so that it works for the school's way of being and time and curriculum and school changemakers.
Schools can be involved with Roots & Shoots via:
- Individual classes undertaking Roots & Shoots projects
- Multiple classes / syndicates undertaking Roots & Shoots projects
- A school Roots & Shoots club, available to interested and engaged students
- A whole-school approach to sustainability and undertaking Roots & Shoots projects
Register yourself, your group, your class, your school or organisation with Roots & Shoots
Be inspired and register your Roots & Shoots club
For more information on the ways in which your school can become involved in the Roots & Shoots programme contact our Roots & Shoots Education Coordinator.

5 Tips For A More Sustainable School Day
1. Reduce
One way schools can reduce waste is by students bringing their lunch in a reusable lunchbox and reusable containers in place of plastic wrap. Paper waste is a problem at many schools, but by taking notes on a tablet (if permitted) you’ll be able to greatly reduce your paper consumption. Plus, you won’t have to carry around a ton of notebooks!
2. Refuse
By simply saying, “No, thanks,” to an item, such as a plastic straw, you are saving one more piece of trash from heading to the landfill. One straw may not seem likely to make an impact, but over time it will really add up.
3. Reuse
Reusable water bottles, drinking straws, lunch boxes, containers, and utensils are great alternatives to single-use disposables.
4. Recycle
Don’t throw that paper away…recycle it! According to the University of Southern Indiana, “Each ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution!” You can also upcycle used scraps of paper and make more paper!
5. Thrift
Thrifting is a sustainable and often inexpensive shopping method. Why is it sustainable? When a person buys secondhand, the items they buy are reused, and less is sent to the landfill. Thrift stores such as Goodwill, Salvation Army, or a local consignment shop are great sources for back-to-school clothes, backpacks, books, and more.
By following these steps, you will be able to increase your sustainable practices at school, and reduce the amount of trash being sent to the landfill.
Tell us about your next sustainability Roots & Shoots project