Project - Peer Education

In many schools in Uganda, girls end their education when they reach the age of puberty. This is partially due to a lack of access to sanitary materials, which forces them to stay home during menstruation. Many girls are also pressured to marry early, or stay home to assist with the household.
JGI’s Peer Education Project equips young women in Uganda with information on reproductive health and family planning topics including HIV/AIDS, other STIs, and provides menstrual hygiene kits. JGI also provides training on life-planning skills designed to help girls successfully navigate the challenges of maturing into adulthood. The girls then return to their schools and communities and share what they’ve learned with their peers who are often more comfortable receiving information from people of the same age group rather than adults.
The project also provides participating schools with materials to help teachers guide students and inform them about women’s health issues. Girls from families that cannot afford scholastic materials are provided with pencils and workbooks. The project is currently based out of schools that also participate in Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots program within proximity to priority wildlife conservation areas.