Jane's Traffic Stop

Greed and the desire for “trophies” have resulted in a boom in illegal wildlife trafficking. This gruesome trade is rapidly pushing the earth’s endangered species toward extinction, and fuelling corruption, conflict and inequality.

Wildlife trade is a complex issue, filled with examples of the intense pressures of poverty, lack of enforcement, governmental corruption, and the careless demand for wildlife products by global consumers destroying our world’s most precious species, and it must stop.
The facts reflect the urgency of this crisis:
- 35,000 elephants a year are killed for ivory.
- Poaching of rhinos went up 9,000% from 2007-2014.
- 73 million sharks are killed each year for their fins.
- A 2014 survey showed there may only be 3,200 wild tigers left in Asia.
- 3,000 great apes are illegally killed or stolen from the wild each year.
JGI is working to stamp out wildlife trade for good. This movement needs you!
Campaign Objectives
- Raise awareness about the issue of wildlife trafficking and empower individuals to use their voice to help bring an end to this trade, and to ask questions and get the facts before buying any wildlife product.
- Urge governments to protect threatened animal populations by increasing law enforcement, imposing strict deterrents, reducing demand for endangered species products and honoring international commitments made under CITES.
Wildlife Trade Impacts

ForeverWild - JGI Fighting Wildlife Crime Globally

Through its ForeverWild campaign JGI is aiming to raise awareness about wildlife trafficking which is a severe threat to the survival of endangered species.
By working together we can secure a future where wildlife can live safely in the wild.
No Domestic Trade - JGI Fighting Wildlife crime in New Zealand

Despite international commitments and actions, New Zealand, a party to CITES, is still allowing a domestic trade market in elephant ivory and rhino horn to exist.
JGINZ's No Domestic Trade campaign is working to to close the domestic trade market in New Zealand that contributes to international wildlife crime.
Stop The Show

It's time to close the curtain on the use of animals in entertainment. When it comes to chimpanzees, other great apes and animals in the entertainment industry, the show cannot go on.
Together, we will #stoptheshow.