Zero Carbon Act

Climate change is messing with our ‘hood. We’re already experiencing more extreme floods, droughts and wildfires. Our native species, our lifestyles, and our communities are under threat, and things are only going to get worse unless we act.
Climate change is bigger than politics. We need political parties to work together and look beyond election cycles. We need a plan to reduce our carbon pollution, and we need our politicians to be held accountable.
The Zero Carbon Act is a framework for a powerful new law to get New Zealand on track to a safe, thriving, carbon-neutral future by 2050.
Here's what to do:
Sign the petition to the next NZ Parliament to pass the Zero Carbon Act.


Climate change is a pressing global crisis that is already impacting on our homes and livelihoods.
The planet has warmed by around 1°C since pre-industrial times, mainly due to human greenhouse gas emissions. The world has agreed that we must limit warming to well below 2°C, and aim for below 1.5°C. This requires global CO2 emissions to reach net zero by early in the second half of the century, along with deep cuts in other greenhouse gas emissions.
All countries must undergo their own transition to a zero carbon society.
While many other countries are reducing their emissions, New Zealand’s continue to rise. There is no plan to meet existing national targets. The longer we delay our own transition, the more costly it will be. We also miss out on the many benefits and opportunities of early action.
Climate change is bigger than politics - we need political parties to work together and look beyond election cycles.
Getting to zero carbon by 2050 or sooner is possible. It will require broad political commitment, immediate action, and coherent long-term planning. A clear and stable path will help New Zealand businesses and citizens plan for their future and invest with confidence in low-carbon solutions.
Read more here.

"Spread the word, in person, on social media and discuss the issue with those around you, and take action!"