No Domestic Trade 1-Click

** UPDATE: New Zealand Government Reviewing Trade In Endangered Species **
The Government’s proposal to close down New Zealand’s elephant ivory market is a move welcomed by the Jane Goodall Institute New Zealand (JGI NZ). Thousands of elephants are slaughtered each year for their tusks. In response to the crisis many countries including the UK, China, US, France, the Netherlands, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Belgium and Israel have either closed or are preparing to close their domestic ivory trades.
JGINZ encouraged all New Zealanders to make submissions in support of Government’s proposal to ban the domestic trade and importation of elephant ivory, and provided a 'ready-submission'. The submission date closed on October 25th. We now await the next steps in the review process.
You can read the submission we provided to the review process.

1 elephant is killed for its ivory every 25 minutes. 1 rhino is brutally killed for its horn every 8 hours.
These magnificent animals are being traded into extinction — to supply a human desire for “luxury wildlife products”, to parade one’s “wealth and status”, to take home a tourist souvenir or to give a business partner a gift with “prestige”.
New Zealand is part of this global problem.
The domestic trade in elephant ivory and rhino horn is unregulated in New Zealand, with no rules or any requirements to show proof of where and when the ivory or horn was obtained. An elephant tusk can sell for more than NZD $7,000 while a pair of raw rhinoceros horns can fetch over NZD $38,000.
The great news is that New Zealand can choose to be part of the solution — by closing our domestic ivory and rhino horn market for good.
Together our global collective efforts can and will put an end to the cruel ivory and rhino horn trade. New Zealand can standby the international commitments it has made and “do its bit” to help save elephants and rhinos from extinction.
Here's what to do
Click here to email a 'ready-to-send" letter
This letter, to the New Zealand Minister of Conservation, Hon Eugenie Sage, asks for a complete ban of the domestic ivory and rhino horn trade in New Zealand.

Take & share a #NoDomesticTrade selfie
Download our #NoDomesticTrade sign + take a picture of you with it + share + link us in so we can share your support.
Facebook: Jane.Goodall.Institute.NZ
Instagram: Jane_Goodall_NZ
Twitter: JGI_NZ
Use these hashtags - #NoDomesticTrade #4EverWild #JanesTrafficStop

"Please support our New Zealand campaign - all you have to do send the automated letter! And SHARE! Your message will go straight to the New Zealand Conservation Minister asking that New Zealand stop allowing the trade of ivory and rhino horn in our country: Yes, New Zealand has an unregulated ivory trade. Yes, illegally imported ivory makes its way into the NZ domestic market. But we can make a difference and stop these deaths!"