Ask For Choice 1-Click

The past 20 years as seen a surge in global palm oil consumption.
This demand has driven the large-scale conversion of primary rainforest to monoculture oil palm plantations in south east Asia and parts of central Africa. As a result environmental and social issues have arisen, including endangering native flora and fauna, displacing local peoples and increasing carbon emissions. Bornean Orangutans have now joined their Sumatran cousins on the IUCN’s critically endangered list, and the newly discovered Sumatran Tapanuli orangutan, with only 800 individuals remaining, now at risk of disappearing shortly after being discovered.
As part of the Responsible Palm Oil Network we need to break the link between palm oil production and deforestation, climate change and human rights abuses. By educating and empowering consumers, and those involved in the supply chain, to take actions that support the transition towards a truly responsible palm oil industry.
Our vision is that 100% of all products in New Zealand and Australia are deforestation free. Using palm oil as a flagship crop we aim to halt and reverse deforestation globally, and encourage the restoration of forest cover and protect the world’s last intact rainforests.
The first step in New Zealand - Responsible labelling.

Here's what to do
Click here to sign and then email a “ready-to-send” letter to the new New Zealand Minister for Food Safety, Hon Damien O'Connor, urging him to support the specific labelling of vegetable oils at the Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation.
This 'Ask For Choice' allows consumers in New Zealand and Australia to make informed choices, and support sustainable palm oil products and production and thus help to the end habitat destruction, environmental impacts, animal suffering and endangering of species.

"By sending the automated letter to our Minister your message will help to add another voice to help stop habitat destruction, harm to our planet and animal suffering and deaths. Right now New Zealanders aren't even given the right to know what is in our food, so we can't make a difference - this needs to change!"