Roots & Shoots Wellington Gathering

Roots & Shoots Wellington Gathering
On our mission to create an informed and compassionate critical mass of people who will help to create a better world for people, other animals and our shared environment, inspiring hope along the way. - Dr. Jane Goodall had a very special visit to Marsden School, along with students and teachers from 15 other Primary and Secondary schools in the greater Wellington region, for an amazing 'Roots & Shoots Workshop’.
Dr Jane was welcomed with a waiata, planted a Feijoa tree in the Science garden, which has been renamed in her honour "The Dr Jane Goodall Science and Community garden". Students shared the amazing sustainability projects they have been undertaking and how they will work towards collaboration between the schools on joint environmental action projects in the future.
Truely hope in action and young people making a difference through Roots & Shoots in Aotearoa!