Roots & Shoots Auckland Gathering

Roots & Shoots Auckland Gathering
Dr Jane Goodall had a very special visit to Kristin School to focus on Roots & Shoots and youth-led action. Welcomed with a waiata from the Junior School students, Jane then enjoyed a walk along native bush tracks with a group of Year 5 children. Stopping along the way to unveil new wooden plaques featuring some of Jane's inspiring quotes, plant new native tree seedlings and share interesting facts about native birds. This adventure was followed by morning tea and a chat with Kindergarten students.
A Compassionate Leadership Workshop was held with 40 inspiring students from Kristin Senior School, Academy of Gifted Education, Albany Senior High School, Diocesan School for Girls, De La Salle College, Hobsonville Point Secondary School, Lynfield College and Whangaparaoa College. The students presented their own initiatives and projects and Jane shared advice on how these inspirational young people could continue inspiring others within their own respective school communities and beyond.
Jane later spoke to a packed auditorium of students and community members on the difference all can make. The senior students from the participating schools also presented the wonderful projects they have been working on. It was a day full of inspiration, tales of action and hope.