
"It isn't only human beings who have personality, who are capable of rational thought and emotions like joy and sorrow."
Dr. Goodall began her study of chimpanzees more than 50 years ago with a focus on advancing her revolutionary findings about chimpanzee tool-making and other behaviours. Her research has since expanded and is now being carried out in multiple locations with the help of hundreds of scientists.
Gombe Stream Research Centre

Dr. Jane founded the The Gombe Stream Research Centre in 1965 and since then it has evolved into a living laboratory, home to the world’s most studied group of wild chimpanzees.
Research at Tchimpounga

At Tchimpounga sanctuary, research on chimpanzees in captivity provides new insights into how chimpanzees orphaned by poaching and trafficking can reclaim their lives and learn to live in healthy, functioning communities. The more we learn about our closest living relatives, the better we can protect them from extinction.