Forest Conservation

When protecting wild animals and their natural environment, we believe real change starts at the grassroots level. Our on-the-ground, collaborative approach improves health care, access to education and income generation — the first steps to successfully protecting habitat.
When a community’s basic needs are met, natural resources are used more sustainably. By conserving forest habitats, we can realize a network of protected areas that connect chimpanzee populations and improve the genetic viability of the species. Conservation efforts also keep our closest cousins safe from poachers and traffickers.
Here’s What We’ve Done So Far

Working in Uganda, we saw the annual deforestation rate within the wildlife corridor reduced from 5.1% in 2010 to 2.5% in 2013

The Jane Goodall Institute contributed to the conservation of 5.7 million acres of chimp habitat across Africa

Our projects have increased protection of 512,000 hectares (1.3 million acres) of forest in the Masito-Ugalla ecosystem of Tanzania through newly established reserves.